Conditions Treated
Evidence-based hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments administered at HyOx Medical Treatment Center are medically approved and covered by most insurances. Hyperbaric oxygen helps heal a variety of complications from Cancer, Infections, Trauma Injuries, and Wounds. The natural power of 100 percent oxygen under pressure is in its ability to help reverse damaged tissue, bone, and organs devoid of oxygen and supersaturate the plasma to flush out infection and other toxins from the body.
Scroll below for a list of the most common complications treated at HyOx Medical Treatment Center, most of which are covered by insurance. If you have any questions regarding coverage for your condition, please call HyOx at 678.303.3200 to talk to a patient advocate specializing in assisting patients with navigating preapprovals and other insurance/billing concerns.
Workers’ Compensation
Compartment Syndrome
*Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome
Decompression Illness / “The Bends:”
*Post Concussive Syndrome
*These conditions are commonly approved by Workers’ Compensation only, not third-party payers. Insurance approval may change with more clinical studies, but patients may be treated at HyOx out-of-pocket if complications present that would benefit from the therapeutic effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.