Complications from Cancer
Survivors do what it takes.
HyOx board-certified physicians deliver hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat cancer treatment complications from chemotherapy and radiation with similar strength and resolve of the survivors we treat.
For the percentage in need of a therapy directly targeting the hypoxia (lack of blood flow) and necrosis (tissue or bone breakdown), hyperbaric medicine heals the lingering or delayed effects of the treatments that helped save their life.
Hyperbaric oxygen works safely with medications and other treatment modalities to counter the effects of infections, wounds or irradiated tissues and bones (pre- and post-surgery) by supersaturating the plasma through osmosis to areas lacking in oxygenated blood flow.
HyOx treats the following approved and covered cancer-related complications:
Side Effects of Chemotherapy - A suppressed immune system can lead to infections and non-healing wounds. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy’s healing benefits advance recovery.
Breast (Pre- & Post-Reconstruction Surgery) - Supersaturating the previously radiated breast tissue with oxygen better prepares the surgical site pre-surgically and then post for reconstruction or augmentation to create new pathways for oxygen to the compromised tissue and reduce swelling and fibrosis.
Delayed Radiation Injury - Much of the oxygen content in radiated tissues and bones is lost while undergoing radiation therapy and, in some patients injury is caused in the surrounding areas resulting in soft tissue radionecrosis and osteoradionecrosis. The damaging, gradual effects of radiation therapy may manifest months, even years, after cancer treatment.
Marx Protocol for Head & Neck - Oral and maxillofacial surgeons and dentists use the evidence-based Marx Protocol prior to oral surgeries including tooth extractions in head and neck cancer survivors with heavily irradiated jaws. The hyperbaric medicine protocol continues post-surgery to help support tissue metabolic demands in the healing process.
Prostate & Pelvic - The endothelial damage, decreased blood flow and oxygenation to the pelvic tissues because of radiation therapy for pelvic malignances causes injuries such as radiation cystitis (bladder) and proctitis (prostate) that are difficult to treat without hyperbaric oxygen therapy intervention.