Complications from Trauma
Sometimes life delivers blows.
Trauma to the body can be disabling and life-threatening. HyOx counterpunches with hyperbaric oxygen therapy to lessen the complications of accidents and injuries to safeguard overall health, mobility, quality of life, and in the case of athletes, performance. Hyperbaric medicine heals debilitating injuries lacking blood supply in the tissues, tendons, bones, and other wounded areas of the body by rapidly reproducing needed cells and blood vessels to get life-giving oxygen to those places so you can get back to life, work, and the field of play.
HyOx treats the following approved and covered trauma-related complications:
Air or Gas Embolism - Life-threatening air or gas embolisms are caused by gas bubbles in the arteries and/or capillaries caused by accidental air injection from dialysis, catheter placements, endoscopy, or various surgical procedures such as cardiopulmonary bypass. These bubbles cause reduced blood flow resulting in poor oxygen delivery to the body.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Considered an emergency, hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help reduce carbon monoxide poisoning complications, even save lives, by flushing the toxin out of the bloodstream.
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion - CRAO, a blockage (occlusion) from a blood clot or fat deposit occurring in one of the small arteries which carry blood to the retina, affects the entire eye causing sudden blurring or loss of vision due to the lack of oxygen. To date, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the only treatment option for CRAO with favorable results.
Crush Injuries - These acute traumatic peripheral ischemias are a result of serious injuries that compromise circulation to an extremity involving the sudden blockage of the peripheral arterial blood supply. With the surrounding tissue deprived of needed oxygen threatening the loss of limb, function or life, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is needed to regain oxygenation and function.
Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (one-sided hearlng loss) - “Sudden deafness” commonly occurs in one ear from damage in the inner ear or in the nerve pathways between the ear and the brain. Considered an emergent and favorable treatment along with steroids, hyperbaric oxygen therapy outcomes are dependent on a timely referral optimally within 48 hours.
Sports-Related Injuries - Orthopedic, sports-related injuries to the bones, muscle and ligaments, i.e., ACL/MCL partial tears and postoperative repairs and fracture injuries, benefit by hyperbaric oxygen therapy’s ability to increase tensile and bone strength through hyperoxygenation of the body and help prevent future complications and injury.
Scuba Diving-Related Injuries - Treatment for decompression sickness, or the bends, in scuba divers was one of the original indications for hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Air or gas embolism also is treated, in addition to conducting dive physicals for the safety and health of professional and recreational divers.